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ok so what is the deal i m sorry but there are three things i really love from the free release and i m upset that i only get to use it in december hum let me guess you ll bring it out permanently for crowns this is just getting ridiculous why not just let us keep the free stuff after all you guys rip us off constantly and after it is a time of gifting the least you can do is let us keep the free releases just this once i know it must be hard to read this as giving us these items permanently it means you not being greedy and yes i m aware your not going to because you guys at lkwd have to be greedy il convient de souligner qu il peut nous arriver de ne pas détecter un logiciel potentiellement malveillant pour être en mesure de continuer à vous garantir un catalogue de programmes et d applications sans logiciels malveillants notre équipe a intégré une fonctionnalité de logiciel de rapport dans chaque page du catalogue qui nous renvoie vos commentaires
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